How Long Will Shutters Last on Salt Lake City Homes?
Let’s talk shutter durability. The more durable your window treatments are, the less often you’re likely to change them. This is why we focus on long-lasting products of high quality that aren’t easily affected by Salt Lake City’s weather.
Plantation shutters are significantly more durable than blinds because there are no cords to wear out, no wands to snap off, and no mechanisms to break. A well-constructed shutter in Salt Lake City that is properly maintained will last you 50 years or more. A well-built blind that is properly maintained will last 3 - 5 years before cords start to wear out and colors start to fade.
A low-quality, off-the-shelf blind will last only a few years before it completely deteriorates. The cheaper materials and paint finishes used in blinds will wear down in the sun over time, becoming brittle and yellow. Fabric shades waste away with prolonged UV and UL exposure, and the fabric becomes brittle and yellow.
Shutters are unrivaled when it comes to the durability and longevity of window treatments. In fact, our Polywood® shutter is the only shutter with UV inhibitors in the material and the paint, protecting it from damaging sun rays. We bake on a proprietary paint finish at temperatures hotter than it will ever get in Salt Lake City. That’s why Polywood endures more than any other shutter.
And that’s why, when it comes to durability, Polywood shutters are your best choice. We’re so sure they’ll last you a lifetime, we back up our talk with a Lifetime warranty!